Stanton Place East Condos has many conveniences within walking distance, including the elementary school, a bank, the town hall, a convenience store, community bars/restaurants and a veterinary clinic. With easy access to either Hwy 16 or I-94, Ixonia is the perfect location for either a Madison or Milwaukee commute. Stanton Place East Condos offers a community within the community! With (48) 1BR, 2BR and 3BR condominium units, it is nearly impossible to not become friends with your neighbors. Enjoy a casual atmosphere and the low maintenance lifestyle of condominium living. Heated underground parking, individual storage units and more. Dues are reasonable and include sewer charges, trash collection, insurance and heat! Come and check out this utterly unique and completely affordable community today!
Stanton Place East Condos
Marietta Avenue
Ixonia, Wisconsin 53036